Global Game Jam 2016

I attend my first GGJ in Atom, Ankara in Turkey. The game theme was "rituals". We created a single player computer game Realms of Rhytms.

I made all visual design of the game. You can learn more from here

Global Game Jam 2018

We created  "Kesmece" in 48hours in Global Game Jam ATOM 2018. This year's theme is "tranmission". In Turkey watermelons are carried to the greengrocer with team work. By inpring this cultural habit, our game characters are trying to transmit watermelons with good timing. Game player just press space button and sets power of throwing. 
I made background design, greengrocer İbo character and his animation and watermelon animation for game over screen. The other graphic design and animations are created by Meriç Atalar. Game coding, sound design and game design are done by these friends:

Devrim Erdol ( Coding / Game design )

Uğur Dülger ( Coding / Game design )
Atakan Arda Nalbant ( Coding / Sound design)

In the opening screen, Greengrocer İbo ask her nephew Ferit if he wants to eat watermelon. If game player choose “eat it", game starts. The other option “commit suicide"  functions as a quit button.

© 2018 Blund