Hi there!
I’m Zeynep Sıla a multi-disciplinary artist from Turkey. I studied Industrial Design bachelor and Media Studies master in Ankara, Turkey. I graduated with a master thesis " Political Animated Documentaries and Counter Collective Memory Construction". In Summer 2018 I did my in internship in Trikk17 Animationsraum. I worked in commissioned projects of ZDF such as Wisch and Mop, Hicks and Pittiplatsch. I moved to Hamburg in October 2019. I had my second master degree in Film in Hochschule für Bildende Künste Hamburg.
I am working on freelance film projects and giving animation, zine workshops.
You can get in touch with sending email to zsdemircioglu@gmail.com
or via Linkedin.
Also I am using Instagram to share my artworks. You can check it from here. https://www.instagram.com/zeynepsilaart/